Could CBD Cream Help with Your Pain?

Could CBD Cream Help with Your Pain?

Main image courtesy of Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials.

Nobody wants to have pain. Whether it’s because you’re keeping up with your exercise routine (or just starting one), trying to reach a new fitness goal, or just trying to get through your day pain-free--there are a lot of options out there that claim to reduce pain. You’ve probably heard of CBD, which has been taking the health and wellness industries by storm. Maybe you’ve also heard about CBD creams, and how they may be able to help with pain. If you’re curious to learn more about CBD creams, you’ve come to the right place because in this article we’re going to discuss:

  • Why you would use a CBD cream for pain
  • Can CBD cream help with pain?
  • How do you use CBD creams and how much to use for pain

Why Use a CBD Cream?

What does CBD have to offer as far as helping with pain?

close up of a person holding their foot in pain
CBD infused cream is a fast way to get the relief you need, exactly where you need it. Image courtesy of Healthy Women.

Creams infused with CBD are a hot product, but what’s the reason behind all this? When you add CBD to a cream, you’re infusing it with all the benefits that CBD can offer, such as reducing inflammation and helping to decrease pain. Adding it to a cream makes it a breeze to apply anywhere you might need it. CBD is a non-intoxicating cannabinoid that is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, making it very popular for people seeking relief from muscle and joint aches. Whether your aches are from an intense workout, or are something you’re dealing with on a daily basis, CBD cream is a convenient way to get relief to the problem area. 

The CBD in a cream works with your body’s endocannabinoid system to restore balance and provide relief to sore and painful muscles and joints. It is an alternative to other pain-relieving and anti-inflammation medication that may have negative side effects or require a prescription from a doctor. 

A CBD cream is beneficial to people who want to get relief after they’ve pushed their muscles to reach a new goal. Your muscles need time to repair after an intense workout, and because CBD has anti-inflammatory properties, applying a cream directly to the muscles means you can target the area that needs relief. Muscles that are recovering can be painful, and in addition to helping with the inflammation, CBD may also be able to reduce the amount of pain you experience. 

If you’re experiencing more chronic, daily pain, CBD cream is also a good option to bring relief so you can go about your day. Since it works more naturally with your body, you might not need to rely on over the counter or prescription painkillers, which can come with a lot of side effects.

There are many types of CBD creams on the market, and it can seem daunting to try and choose just one. There are a couple of things to keep in mind to help narrow your search:

  • Make sure the CBD cream is verified by third party testing
  • Is made with U.S. grown hemp
  • Passes tests for being free of pesticides and toxins
  • Uses natural ingredients
  • Offers the intensity that you need
  • Contains the type of CBD you want

      1. Full spectrum - In addition to the CBD, other naturally occurring cannabinoids (including up to 0.3% THC), and compounds are included 

       2. Broad spectrum - other cannabinoids and compounds are included with the CBD, but there is no THC

       3. CBD isolate - the other plant compounds and cannabinoids are removed leaving only the CBD

Can a CBD Cream Help with Pain?

Will adding a CBD cream help get you relief from pain?

person resting their hands on their lower back
Adding a CBD cream to your routine to reduce pain might be the right option for you. Image courtesy of Long Island Spine Rehabilitation Medicine.

CBD is known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic (pain-relieving) properties, which makes it a good option if you find yourself experiencing pain. The pain and soreness that typically comes from overworked muscles can inhibit you from going about your routine. It can also disrupt sleep, which is an important time for muscle repair and recovery. CBD applied as a cream allows you to target the areas that need relief. The CBD can soothe the muscle and can influence the pain signals that go to the brain, bringing you relief instead. 

This way, by working within your own body, CBD might allow you to feel a reduced amount of pain. Applying a CBD cream after an intense workout might be a good way to keep the pain that’s sure to come later at bay. You could also consider using a CBD cream before a workout if your muscles are feeling a little sore. Not only will this make the workout more enjoyable, it will allow you to stick to your regimen.

Small studies have shown that CBD creams could have an effect on different types of pain:

  • Muscle pain from overexertion. This is the pain and soreness you feel after overexerting yourself in a workout, or just going about your day. When applied to the problem area, CBD cream may be able to give some relief.
  • Arthritis pain. CBD cream may also be able to help with more chronic pain, such as arthritis. Because it is also an anti-inflammatory, it could help with inflammation that commonly accompanies arthritis pain.
  • Nerve pain. If you have pain due to nerve damage, CBD cream applied to the site may help decrease this sensation. 

How Can You Use CBD Cream for Pain?

What’s the best way to get results from a CBD cream?

deep relief cream container
Applying a CBD cream to painful muscles or joints could bring the soothing relief you need. Image courtesy of Seventh Sense.

Whether you’re experiencing painful muscles and joints from your fitness routine, or you have some more daily aches, CBD cream is a convenient alternative to find some soothing relief. A CBD cream like Seventh Sense’s Intensive Deep Relief Cream draws on the strength of 1,000mg of hemp-derived CBD as well as the soothing effects of menthol and arnica. Simply apply it to the area that’s feeling a little sore and allow it to absorb into the skin. If you find that you haven’t quite gotten the relief that you need, simply reapply.

CBD creams are an easy way to target the specific area that’s causing pain. You can find them in a variety of intensity levels, so make sure you’re using one that is appropriate for the amount of pain you’re experiencing. 

How Much CBD Cream Should You Use for Pain and is it Effective?

This depends on your level of pain and the intensity of the CBD cream

Only you know the amount of pain you’re experiencing, which is why it’s important to be aware of the intensity of CBD creams. Some creams are designed for everyday aches and pains, while others contain higher amounts of CBD and are for more intense pain. Depending on what you’re experiencing will determine how much CBD cream you’ll use. It’s always good to start off with a smaller amount, because you can always add on more. Apply a layer of cream to the target area and allow it to soak into the skin. If your pain is intense, you may want to consider repeating as needed until you experience the relief you require.

CBD creams work with everyone differently, which means that you might feel relief with a certain amount of cream, while someone else might need to reapply. It comes down to how the CBD interacts with your body, and everyone is different! 

CBD creams are a great option if you’re looking for a way to easily target the muscle or joint that is causing you pain. They are safe to use before or after a workout, or anytime that you need a little extra relief.